The Bad Guys

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Jack W. Tweeg

Jack W. Tweeg

He envisions himself as the king of the villains, but in reality Tweeg is a pathetic excuse for a bad guy. Before he became a member of MAVO, his primary goals in life were to make gold out of buttermilk and to shoot canon balls at Gimmick's house. Oh yeah, and to be filthy rich. Unfortunately the only thing he ever suceeded in making were buttermilk donuts. And Tweeg is the single WORST shot in Grundo. If he is shooting at you, you're probably safer than anywhere else. Now his goals have expanded to include becoming the leader of MAVO, or at least a respected member in order to make his mother proud. Of course, he hates his mother. He hates Quellor. He hates MAVO too. His sidekick is LB, the leader of a gang of bounders.



LB is the leader of a gang of bounders. Bounders are large round tomato-like creatures with two legs, a horn, and a mouth containing many sharp teeth. Bounders like to play practical jokes and LB is no exception. He has a razor sharp wit, best demonstrated at Tweeg's expense. He also refuses to pronounce Tweeg's name right, which drives Tweeg nuts. Although technically Tweeg's employee, he rarely gets paid. Despite all this, he's not really a bad guy, and could probably become friends with Teddy over time. At the end of the series, LB marries his long-time heartthrob, Buffy.

Quellor, the Supreme Opressor of MAVO

Quellor, the Supreme Opressor of MAVO

Quellor is the Supreme Opressor of MAVO, the Monsters and Villains Organization. He is the most feared and respected bad guy in all of Grundo. Quellor's symbol of power is his Black Box, an instrument that has the power to remove a person's memories. Other than his two pet bats, his most trusted servant is probably Ickly Bognostroclum. In addition he often calls on his three minions, Sludge, Trudge, and Drudge, to do his dirty work. Quellor's face is always hidden.

Ickly Bognostroclum

Ickly Bognostroclum

Ickly is the MAVO Keeper of the Gate. He's very strict about following the rules and guidelines written in the MAVO handbook. This inflexibility is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. He's been heard to say that "No one gets past the Keeper of the Gate". He also intercepts and prevents unwanted visitors from gaining an audience with Quellor, the Supreme Oppressor of MAVO. You might even call him Quellor's right hand man.

Sludge, Drudge, and Trudge

Sludge, Drudge, and Trudge

From left to right, Sludge, Drudge, and Trudge are Quellor's three primary thugs. Their strength is matched only by their combined stupidity. Drudge has a cousin, Dredge, who assisted them at one point during the series.

Mrs. Maggotheart

Mrs. Maggotheart

Mrs. Maggotheart is the MAVO dues collector. As such, she is feared by nearly all members of MAVO. She's not the brightest member of MAVO and she often has a disarmingly sweet voice, but she shouldn't be underestimated. Failure to abide by MAVO rules and the failure to pay dues on time will be met with a SUBSTANTIAL penalty. Later in the series she becomes the leader of the MAVO pirates and captain of the Eclipse, the MAVO airship.

The Understander

The Understander

The Understander of Knowledge is the most intelligent member of MAVO. She is the one who keeps the history of MAVO and it's legends. She told of the prophecy of the 6 magic crystals: if the crystals are placed in the walls of MAVO, darkness will fall across the land. However, the crystals must not fall into the hands of Iliops. She is ambitious, desiring to become Supreme Opressor. She was responsible for MAVO's greatest success - capturing Teddy Ruxpin, the crystals, and fufilling the prophecy of legend.

Eleanor Tweeg

Eleanor Tweeg

Eleanor Tweeg is Jack W. Tweeg's mother. She's a troll. She lives near the Great Wall of Ying, not too far from MAVO headquarters. Eleanor detests both her son and husband. She is separated from her Surf Grunge husband, Elroy Tweeg. The Mudblup King is in love with Eleanor and her cooking. She can't stand him, but has used that relationship to her advantage in the past. She has a dog named Sparky and is good friends (as good friends as anyone in MAVO can be) with the Understander of Legends and Mrs. Maggotheart, the MAVO dues collector. Eleanor has a great deal of respect for Quellor and values her position in MAVO. She seems to be one of the more intelligent of the bad guys, certainly moreso than her incompetent son.



Sparky is Eleanor Tweeg's pet. He's sort of like a dog. He's supposed to be a watchdog, but he's not always very good at it. He likes Tweeg about as much as Tweeg's mother does - not at all.

The Gutangs

The Gutangs

The Gutangs are the current occupants of the Hard-to-find City. They are a militaristic race who's greatest power is their command of the only true airforce in Grundo. The Gutangs seem to have their sights set on conquering King Nogbert's kingdom which has resulted in a series of airstrikes and raids. In addition, they kidnapped Princess Arusia, the daughter of King Nogbert. They also created an artificial drought that nearly destroyed Nogbert's food supplies and they sent a spy into King Nogbert's court who tried to poison the king. These plans were eventually discovered and foiled by Teddy and co. The Gutangs are not members of MAVO, but they do have an ambassador at MAVO headquarters.


The Mudblups

The Mudblups are a race of mud creatures who live underground in the Great Desert. They mine coal and jems from the caves that serve as their underground home. The Mudblups can't stand bright light or sunlight, which is why they don't often leave their caves. The Mudblups are also one of the very few species in Grundo who love the bitter taste of root stew. The Mudblups don't often interact with those who live above the ground, but they did capture Prince Arin, the son of King Nogbert, when he was searching for the whereabouts of his sister, Princess Arusia, who had been kidnapped by the Gutangs.

The Mudblup King

The Mudblup King

The leader of the Mudblups is the Mudblup King. Like all Mudblups, he can't stand bright lights and loves root stew. In addition, he loves Eleanor Tweeg and her cooking, and he would like to make her his queen. Unfortunately for him, she can't stand him.



Bounders are big, red, round creatures with horns on their heads and lots of teeth. They hop around on two feet and have no arms or hands. They are also very sarcastic and enjoy nothing more than tormenting creatures smaller or weaker than they are.



Buffy is LB's girlfriend and every bounder's dream girl. At the end of the series, they get married.

The Sorcerer of Ying

The Sorcerer of Ying

The Sorcerer of Ying is the not-so-nice brother of the Wizard of Grundo. The difference between the two is, as the Wizard himself said, "He'll do anything for a buck. . . .I'll do anything for a buck and a half." He lives at and maintains the Ying Zoo. Despite what the song says, the Ying Zoo really might be a nice place to go on a vacation, just as long as you don't end up as one of the exhibits.
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Kit and Usa's Home