Ninjutsu Gakuen Omake Extra! Let's Have Fun!

This is the page where I put all the fun stuff that doesn't really fit on the other pages.

Makaino-chan CHECK!

Makaino Kouji attributes his wardrobe to his bad luck when shopping by mail order. I think his clothes are hysterical! This is YOUR chance to be creative! I've drawn a black and white image of Makaino-sensei for you to color! I'm sure you can do better than I did on the image to the right. Click here to download a large picture (140 Kb) to print out and color by hand, or click here to download a smaller picture (24 Kb) to color digitally. If you send me a copy, I'll post it here for everyone to see! You can send as many as you like, but please nothing pornographic. I prefer e-mail submissions, but if you want to send by snail-mail write me an e-mail and we'll work it out.

Summer on the Beach

click for a larger image Here's a really awsome picture colored by Dangermouse. I love Makaino's cute hair, and the really nice job she did with the background and shading. Now I'm waiting for the rest of you to try your own! Can you do as well as Dangermouse did?

Kisanta's Kawaii Namekuji Adoption Center
Click HERE!

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